Saturday, September 22, 2007
ok. understand dat u r all mugging hard.
do try ure best and not get too tensed up.
so i've created a acc.
user is: xmsb_smile.
if you are keen of gettin in now to rest from your studies.
feel free to contact me. :D
Saturday, September 15, 2007
champs nite is over.
but i believe every1 of us are true champions if we strive to do the best we can. regardless of cca or studies. :))
as for the fotos, i was wondering if we could cr8 a so called band acc of photobucket or smth.
where ALL of us have access to them. so dat picture sharing is easier and we can make our foto sharings easier too! :)
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
hellos all!
exams just in about 3 weeks!
please mug really hard.
and do well. then your parents wont complain about our results.
and that band is pulling your grades down.
prove to your parents that you can juggle both band and studies at the same time.
all the best!
sherilyn ((:
Friday, September 07, 2007
thanks ger lots for updating. sry ppl for giving such a belated one too.
regarding jbf:
i'm proud.
but dun forget u'll have a long long wae to go bcoz u'll hav to face more sophisicated stuffs wen you become seniors in like jus a few months time.
ahh. i'll start my speech after eoy. now you ppl are onli going to start to prepare for your eoy!
study hard.
by the wae,
rmb the msg i read to u all from mr des ouza?
listen and remember. be proud about ure achievements but be humble and work hard!
here goes: "i'm veri proud of wad all of you have done todae! All ure hard work has paid off. Please continue to work hard and enjoy the music that you perform. It makes me proud to stand on stage and conduct you ppl and make music tgt!"
i managed to save the onli album out of my old and spoiled computer.
lost others but onli managed to preserve the JBf ALBUM.
com is laggin badly. it only allow me to upload a few fotos.

every1 to give a thumbs up! gd start and will lead to a gd performance :D and indeed it did.

during the waiting period. tryin hard to behaving themselves.
the teachers hu took care of the juniors on jbf.
to mainband members:
study hard ok!
so dat u all can enjoy more after your exams.
and u can play ure instruments to your hearts' content after exams! :D
sHihUi. x)
hi everyone
saw no post on JBF so here to say smth
think the sec1s did quite prism sounded quite nice for sec1s. anyway, if im nt wrong the main band play digital prism three yrs ago for Xinfony. so the band standard is really improving.keep it up!!
but smth to take note of..i think the secs should learn to enjoy when performing. could hear tt u guys were a little tense n nt throughly enjoying it.
main band ppl..why so little ppl turn up to support?this r ur juniors leh..nxt time u ppl must go ok..
work hard for EOY. its coming soon.jia you!!
Monday, September 03, 2007
happy birthday to mr tan! ((:
regarding tomorrow's junior band festival, tickets will be given at the door.
person in charge: ann feng
if you dont get the tickets, sorry but you cant go in.
thank you for your kind understanding. xD
once again, all the best to the junior band.
picture(s) will be up in the next post.
stay tuned. ((:
signing off,