Sunday, July 29, 2007
well done everybody for the contributions in one wae or another!
and especially to mr foo for staying back and looking after all of us.
thanks for all the cooperation u all hav given. great job and keep it up :)))
and yes.
after everytink, i hav a conclusion:
in order to enjoy and hav fun, you hav to get yourself involve!
familar huh? mr tan mentioned b4 regarded music playing. by getting involve into the music, you will enjoy and have fun!
please dun forget the upcoming concerts. and bug ur sls to bring ur section dere.
4th September. details to be given later. so let's go c our juniors rawk the hall.
juniors: jiayou!
btw, if anibody hav realised dat smth isn't done or is forgotten, please remind the person in charge dat smth have to be done! so in this wae, we can be more efficient ok?
one band, one sound.
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
hellos people!
i am back to update!
hahas. xD
just to remind you people that band practice is officially starting this week.
junior band practice has started on monday and there's a practice tomorrow.
and main band practice on thursday.
the time is still the same.
no changes or whatsoever.
anyway, please be reminded that you are supposed to give the money and the card for the n2d by TOMORROW!
hope all of you have raised some money.
then we can have more money! $.$
lastly, now that the graduating members have officially graduated, i am sure all of you miss them loads.
well, just to all of the graduating members, jiayou for your exams!
all of us believe in you! xD
go go go! (:
sher. x))
Saturday, July 14, 2007
heyys everyone!
good job everyone!
special thanks to the conductors, mr tan, mr desouza and mr kiang.
and not forgetting the teachers: mrs song, mr foo, mdm foo and mr ng.
and now.. the sec 4s and 5s have officially graduated from xmsb. >.<
will miss all of them.
have a good rest people! there's no band practice next week.
rest well!
sher. x))
Wednesday, July 11, 2007

pix taken @ aust..will upload more full band pix wen free k..
hi ppl..
i miss blogging for u ppl..anyway concert is jz 2 days away..sec4s, two more dyas before we say bye..
i think this journey has been a very meomorable one for everyone..though there were tears and scoldings, there were lotsa fun too right? i know tt u ppl will defintely miss band. Jia you 4 ur Os ok? band members r strong n determined..nothing is impossible.
for the members who r not graduating..remember to thank ur seniors..they hv really gave alot for the band.. make this a successful concert and let them graduate with a peace of mind and without regrets ok? on behalf of all the graduating members, WE LOVE YOU GUYS!!!
and to the whole band..continue practising the way that u guys r doing now. its nice to see the amt of ppl coming back for self prac increase.n remember..nothing would have been possible without our conductors..ALL 3 OF THEM...we will nt b d gold band we r now without them.this concert will also not be possible. treasure them, co-operate with them and try not to make them angry..maintain the gold tt we have ok?
sleep early and all d best for tmr's rehearsal!!
love band alwiz,
Sunday, July 08, 2007
xinfony is in 5 days!
practise harder and jiayou!
it is not a week.
just 5 days!
go go go! xD
sher. xP
okays. here's the long awaited pics!
lack of updates recenly because everybody is busy.
so.. enjoy!

the french horn section!

cornets/ trumpets!

the tubists!

Clarinet seciton!


no more pics for now!
wait till next time!
sher. x))
Monday, July 02, 2007
Xinmin Symphonic Band & Alumni Band presents
Xinfony VIIFriday, 13th July 2007
Victoria Concert Hall
Ticket Price: $12, $10
Conductors, Mr Brando Tan, Mr Daniel Kiang (Alumni Band)
Concert Programme:
Main BandIvanhoe
Chillers and Trillers
American Elegy
Ross Roy
Serenade For Saxophone
What Friends Are For
March Beyond The Critical Point
Percussion Ensemble
Junior Band
Little Brown Jug
Wonka Welcome Song
Alumni Band
Bugler's Holiday
Tong Hua
Tickets are available from any of the XMSB members! Juniors work hard for xinfony kk!!!=D JIAYOU!!make this concert the best XINFONY ever!!=)yiangshan
Labels: Xinfony VII