Thursday, June 28, 2007
hey people! i am here to update.
16 days to xinfony!
go go go! jiayou!
must come back and practice!
have sectionals every week.
possible, 2 times a week! all the best!
sher. xP
Sunday, June 24, 2007
hellos people!
tomorrow is the assembly performance already. jiayou!
solos/soli.. all the SLs. jiayou!
to all. dont freak out tomorrow.
you are presenting to the school what the band can do.
we want them to know more about the band.
so.. jiayou! all the best!
remember that you are all released at 11.30 from lessons. xP
sherilyn. xP
Thursday, June 21, 2007
tomorrow band room open at 8.30! early!
hahas. and will be closed really late!
so go back and practise okays?
Sherilyn just posted! xD
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
band rm opened from 10am to 2pm.
sHihUi :D
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
hello people!
plz rmb to conduct efficient self prac and sectionals. and one reminder: sectionals is NOT learning the notes and rhythms!
on WED(tmr which is 20th June) , band rm is opening from 9 to 1!!!!!!!!if u seriously would lik to practise in the afternoon, please inform the leaders so as to make further arrangements.
sHihUi :D
Sunday, June 17, 2007
hi there again everyone!
more pics now!
but actually not really a lot.
2 section photos coming up.
double reeds.

them again. james acting cute.

saxophone section.

and them again!

okays. more pics next time. xP
signing off..
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
presenting to you...
some pics from band camp!
first up, we have the flute section!

next, the percussionnists!

and now, a group photo of the main band with mr tan!
of course, not forgetting the junior band with mr desouza...

last but not least, the junior band again but this time sitting down!

how come there seems to be a separation between them? >.<
and to sign off, it's me again!
hi people!
long time without an update.
so we've gotten the user and pass and we will try to blog regularly.
anyway, tomorrow band room will not be open.
because we cannot find a teacher in charge and they dont allow us to draw the key.
thursday band room opens at 9.
friday band prac junior band from 10-12.
main band from 1-3.
oh ya. you all try to chiong your homework this week then next week concentrate on band la.
then like this you all also no need to last minute chiong all your homework.
and those who are sick/falling sick, get well soon!
after holidays dont fall sick already then you can play your instrument well and practice hard for xinfony VII!
so drink lots of water and be healthy! xD
i know it is the holidays and you all want to play but at least go back for self practice and also for sectionals.
work hard for xinfony and for junior band, also for junior band fest!
jiayou people! xinfony is just one month away!
just for another month.
i know many of you will be sad to see your seniors graduate.
so cherish your time with them now.have fun with them and interact more with them.
you all can still keep in contact with each other.
so work hard for yourself, your section and of course the whole band for the upcoming xinfony!
jiayou! x))
i am sure you all want your seniors to graduate happily.
they will be having their graduation ceremony there.
so for the sake of your seniors, do them PROUD!
i believe in all of you!
Sherilyn. xP